Saturday, June 4, 2011

Take notes, Here's some critical stuff

In life, in an effort to be unselfish, to avoid being selfish, I have a tendency to want more for other people than I do for myself. In theory, it sounds wonderful, but in practice, it's not the best method. What I mean is, I wish success on other people, I make decisions that are best for others rather than myself, and that is not acceptable behavior. Wanting for others isn't a bad thing, but risking your health, emotionally, bodily, or financially is never a good idea. Ever.
In life, in an effort to be laid back, I tend to want to let things slide. But sometimes, standing up for yourself is important, even if the incident was not what others would call in the scheme of things, "a big deal. Standing up for yourself draws a line that says "I won't be treated this way."
I ask myself a question. "Do I want to go down like that?" Meaning, known as a person that doesn't care how she is treated? No. So sometimes I have to say "No, that joke is not funny." Or "I understand your point but there is no need to suddenly treat me as if I don't matter as a person." To that last point, I don't know where this comes from, but I must have this vibe about me that says "I don't understand anything, so feel free to just yell at me if you are having a bad day." I understand what it feels like to have a bad day, I have had plenty. But is that an excuse to just blow steam off at the nearest bystander that is simply asking you a question? No.

The most important point is last. We only have a certain amount of time here on Earth, and we have to take what we are given and live the best life we can. To make our life the best we have to make good decisions for ourselves, defending ourselves when need be.

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