Saturday, October 26, 2013

A year later

 A year later, I don't know if I could be the spokesperson for where I live.
But I know that I speak up more for myself
A year later, I still don't know my life's path
But I am more accepting of that now
A year later, I haven't changed at all in some ways
Because what I needed to change the most was how I treated myself
A year later, I still give to others
Even more than ever, still as automatic as my huge grin
A year later, I realize it's not about the place or situation or life being perfect
Or even learning lessons from imperfections
Sometimes life is hard, and that's just because it is
Not because I didn't try
or because I need to learn a life lesson
But because sometimes life stinks
And the only way to react is to hold your nose
and keep going

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

For World CP Day

I have a wish list:
For everyone with CP to be able to live, think of a goal and pursue it without having to overcome additional obstacles, and without having to prove themselves. A question should be "How can I help you achieve this goal?" not "How are you going to do that?"
      I wish that the medical community didn't give up after a certain age, because cerebral palsy doesn't disappear. Everyone deserves to perform at their maximum and have the right to determine that for themselves, not relying on a doctor or an insurance company.
I wish that people with CP that need assistance did not need to be dirt poor in order to be eligible for assistance or stay dirt poor to remain eligible
I wish that cerebral palsy did not mean to some I lived a completely different existence and cannot relate to others.
I wish to ease the burden of always being positive
I wish for others with CP to be able to tell their story; the good, bad, funny, sad, angry, embarrassing,
to eliminate shame.
I wish for better public transit options
I wish for more of everything; more awareness, more research, more communication, more conversation about what needs to happen, and more hope and faith from society that people with CP will lead a full, self-determined life.