I am More
More than my IQ
or test results
or labels
and for every time I felt trapped and could not regulate my emotions
I let them slip
Kicking myself mentally because I'm letting them slip
knowing how I'll be perceived
What about the thousand moments in between I nodded in agreement?
I helped someone?
I understood?
I'm not the fastest and I never have been a competitive person
unless, even with my emotional ways, even if I unintentionally cause discomfort
or seem to manipulate, I'm striving
to be the best person I can be
To look beyond how people should act, how things appear, look not only through my lens
(Because not everyone has gone to college, had good grades, two parents, or the experiences I have had, even if they never say so)
and see, feel what people are saying
So go ahead and call me "emotional"
and I may as well say